School Administrative Unit 44 - Northwood School District
SAU 44 serves the community of Northwood, New Hampshire, a small town of 4,200 residents located between the capital city of Concord and the seacoast town of Portsmouth.
Our students in preschool through grade 8 attend Northwood School, and our students in grades 9-12 attend Coe-Brown Northwood Academy.
Deliberative Session - February 6 at 6:00 p.m. will still be held.
Visitors to the SAU 44 Office
The office is open Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m.
Please phone the front desk at 603-942-1290 or contact your party directly for an appointment: SAU 44 Contact list.
There is a convenient drop box on the front door if you have paperwork that needs to get to us outside of business hours.
Meeting Notice Meeting Agenda
Meeting Notice
SAU44 Offices will be closed Monday, February 24, during school vacation week, to celeb...
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